3003 hoja de aluminio vs 1060 hoja de aluminio

188 Puntos de vista 2024-05-21 09:49:37

3003 hoja de aluminio y 1060 La lámina de aluminio son láminas de aluminio comunes.. Pueden reemplazarse entre sí en algunos escenarios de uso., pero tienen grandes desviaciones en la composición química., propiedades mecánicas y precio. Por lo tanto, you need to understand your usage scenarios before ordering aluminum sheets. And the difference between 3003 hoja de aluminio y 1060 hoja de aluminio.

3003 introducción de la hoja de aluminio

3003 hoja de aluminio is one of the most common alloy aluminum sheets. Es un producto representativo de la 3000 serie (Al-Mn) plato de aluminio. It is a widely used anti-rust aluminum. The strength of this alloy is not high (slightly higher than industrial pure aluminum).

No puede reforzarse mediante tratamiento térmico., so cold working methods are used to improve its mechanical properties: it has high plasticity in the annealed state, buena plasticidad durante el endurecimiento por trabajo en semifrío, Baja plasticidad durante el endurecimiento por trabajo en frío., buena resistencia a la corrosión, buena soldabilidad, and can be cut. Poor performance.

3003 hoja de aluminio empaquetada

3003 hoja de aluminio empaquetada

It is mainly used for low-load parts that require high plasticity and good weldability and work in liquid or gas media, such as fuel tanks, gasoline or lubricating oil conduits, various liquid containers and other small-load parts made by deep drawing: Wire is used to make rivets.

Composición química

In terms of chemical composition, the main elements of 3003 aluminum plate include aluminum (Alabama) and manganese (Minnesota), of which the aluminum content is greater than 98% and the manganese content is between 1-1.5%. 3003 aluminum sheet also contains a small amount of copper (cobre) and other impurity elements. The content and proportion of these alloy elements play an important role in the hardness, fortaleza, corrosion resistance and other properties of 3003 placas de aluminio.

Mechanical standards

Mechanical standards are an important indicator for measuring material performance and an important basis for evaluating the quality of 3003 láminas de aluminio. In terms of mechanical standards, the hardness, fortaleza, ductility and corrosion resistance of 3003 aluminum plates are all key indicators.

la dureza de 3003 aluminum sheet is mainly reflected in its tensile strength and yield strength. Según estándares internacionales, the tensile strength of 3003 aluminum sheet is between 110-205MPa and the yield strength is between 40-150MPa. This shows that 3003 aluminum plate has a certain hardness and strength to a certain extent and can meet the needs of different fields.

The ductility of 3003 aluminum plate is also one of its important mechanical standards. The elongation rate of 3003 aluminum sheet is usually above 10%, which means that it has good sheet forming performance and is suitable for various stamping and forming processes.

La resistencia a la corrosión de 3003 aluminum sheet is also one of the important indicators in its mechanical standards. Because it contains manganese and other alloying elements, 3003 aluminum plates have good corrosion resistance and can be used in humid and corrosive environments for a long time without being damaged.

Introducción a 1060 hoja de aluminio

1060 aluminum sheet and strip, que contiene 99.6% aluminio, is also called pure aluminum plate. It is a commonly used series in the aluminum sheet and strip family. The advantages of this series of aluminum plates: the most commonly used series, the production process is relatively simple, the technology is relatively mature, and the price has a huge advantage compared to other high-end alloy aluminum plates. It has good elongation and tensile strength, y puede cumplir plenamente con los requisitos de procesamiento convencionales (estampado, extensión) y alta conformabilidad.

1060 hoja de aluminio is industrial pure aluminum with high plasticity, resistencia a la corrosión, conductividad eléctrica y conductividad térmica, pero poca fuerza, no puede reforzarse mediante tratamiento térmico, y tiene mala maquinabilidad; it can be gas welded, hydrogen atom welded and contact welded, but is not easy to braze; Easy to withstand various pressure processing, stretching and bending.

3003 hoja de aluminio vs 1060 hoja de aluminio

3003 hoja de aluminio vs 1060 hoja de aluminio

1060 aluminum plate is widely used in products that do not require high strength. Products are commonly used in signboards, vallas publicitarias, building exterior decorations, bus bodies, high-rise building and factory wall decorations, kitchen sinks, lamp holders, fan blades, electronic parts, chemical instruments, piezas de procesamiento de placa delgada, deep drawing or spinning concave parts. Shaped utensils, welded parts, intercambiadores de calor, clock surfaces and disks, placas de identificación, batería de cocina, decoraciones, equipo reflectante, etc..

3003 hoja de aluminio vs 1060 hoja de aluminio

Alloy differences

Alabama(%) Y (%) cobre (%) magnesio(%) zinc (%) Minnesota(%) De(%) V (%) Fe(%)
99.60 0.25 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.35
96.8-99.0 0.60 0.05-0.20 0-0.05 0.10 1.00-1.50 0.70

Differences in mechanical properties

Aleación Resistencia a la tracción Límite elástico
1060 110-136 ≥35
3003 120-160 ≥85

Differences in use

Desde 1060 aluminum plate has good electrical conductivity, it is usually used in electronic devices, baterias, capacitors and other fields. Due to its higher strength and corrosion resistance, 3003 aluminum sheet is suitable for manufacturing body panels, tanques de combustible, ships and other fields with high strength requirements.

1060 aplicación de lámina de aluminio

  • Productos electrónicos: used to manufacture electronic components, carcasas electricas, LED heat sinks, etc., taking advantage of its good electrical and thermal conductivity properties.
  • Building materials: used to make decorative panels, muros cortina, materiales para techos, etc., with good corrosion resistance and aesthetics.
  • Advertising signs: used to make signs and billboards, thanks to its good formability and surface treatment capabilities.
  • Household appliances: such as kitchen sinks, pantallas de lámparas, fan blades, etc., taking advantage of their ease of processing and corrosion resistance.
  • Chemical equipment: used to make certain parts of chemical equipment to take advantage of its chemical stability.
Aplicaciones de 1060 hoja de aluminio

Aplicaciones de 1060 hoja de aluminio

3003 aluminum plate application

  • Chemical equipment and containers: In the pharmaceutical and food industries, 3003 aluminum plates are used to make containers and packaging materials. Because they will not react with chemical substances, they ensure the safety and quality of the products.
  • Aeroespacial: Leveraging its lightweight, corrosion-resistant and ability to withstand extreme conditions, 3003 aluminum sheets are used to manufacture aerospace components and equipment, helping to improve aircraft performance and fuel efficiency.
  • fabricación de automóviles: In vehicles such as cars, trenes, tranvías, etc., 3003 aluminum sheets are used as body panels, compartment panels, roof panels, etc.. to reduce weight and improve fuel economy.
  • campo electronico: used in electronic product casings, radiadores, etc., using its conductive properties and heat dissipation capabilities to protect electronic components.
  • Building materials: Used for building exterior siding, roof panels, techos, etc., both as decorative materials and to take advantage of its light weight and weather resistance.
  • Transporte: Not limited to cars, but also body parts for trains, tranvías, etc.. to achieve lightweight design.

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Hoja/bobina de aluminio de confianza, Papel de aluminio, tira de aluminio, Fabricante de círculos de aluminio
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